About me
I’m graduated with honours (M.A.) in “Topography and Landscape Archaeology” from Sapienza University of Rome, being awarded as one of the best graduate students from the University for the 2018/2019 academic year. During my studies, alongside fieldwork and archaeological research, I’ve been developing IT skills in 3D modelling, reconstructions, and printing, convinced that such technologies could play a fundamental role in re-thinking the impact of Cultural Heritage in the modern society.
A recurrent theme in my work over the last five years has been the advancement and enhanced dissemination of archaeological research through advanced use of information and communications technologies.
Among the projects I’ve undertaken, conceiving, and organizing the exhibition “Visual Archaeology” was probably one of the most formative experiences that I had. The exhibition was held in the Museo dell’Arte Classica (Cast collection) of Sapienza University from October 2018 and the whole project was co-funded by a grant from Sapienza University and the Museo dell’Arte Classica. The exhibition showed the evolution of visualising techniques from the end of 1800 to today: a path from glass slides and ancient projectors up to 3d printed copied, video-mapping and 3D reconstructions.
At the early stage of my career, I’ve a deep interest on how updating methodologies and processes could improve the social and cultural role of the heritage and the landscapes.
In these years, I’ve been trying to widen my skills with the aim of becoming a cross-sectoral researcher, in the position of being able to understand historical and archaeological features as much as the importance of making them accessible for all. Personally, I think this era is nearby a deep transformation-shift, which will drastically influence and change the socio-working scenarios.
The promotion of culture, in its wider sense of landscapes, monuments, local and specific traditions will be fundamental for the future of the European community.
Currently I’m PhD candidate at Università degli Studi di Ferrara enrolled in the PhD course titled “Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing”.

Rizzo, E., Dubbini, R., Capozzoli, L., De Martino, G., Fornasari, G., Farinatti, L., Ferrari, E., Clementi, J., Fiano, F.R., Lombardi, M. (2022, April). Preliminary geophysical investigation in the archaeological site of Bocca delle Menate (Comacchio, FE). In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2204, No. 1, p. 012107). IOP Publishing
Lombardi, M. “Le attività di ricognizione sul campo: nuove possibilità strumentali e metodologiche” in Dubbini, R., Rizzo, E., Stefani, M., Clementi, J., Fiano, F.R., Lombardi, M., (2022) “La villa romana di Bocca delle Menate, Comacchio. un’esperienza di archeologia globale”, Archeologia Classica. Evaluated, accepted and in press
Lombardi, M. “Note preliminari sullo scavo della navata Sud della Basilica delle Grandi Terme di Elaiussa Sebaste”in Barbanera, M., Braini, M., Calosi, M., Clementi, J., Falcone, A., Lombardi, M., Taddei, A. (2022) “Elaiussa Sebaste: Relazione sulla campagna di scavo 2021”, Scienze dell’Antichità, 28.1.
Lombardi, M., “A pilot project: The north-east necropolis as a «talking landscape»” in Barbanera, M. (2021) “Revixit Urbs. A 3D Reconstruction of Elaiussa Sebaste (Rough Cilicia) as an Interpretative Model of Urban Settlement from Middle Hellenism to Late Antiquity: Project for the Next Five Years”. Scienze dell’Antichità, 27.1: 3-26
M.Lombardi, “Vindolanda: dalle tavolette alla ricostruzione storico-archeologica”, in E. Abbondanzieri, L. Contrafatto, V. Ferraguti, N. Giovino, M. Lombardi, G. Mariotti, C.M. Marchetti, N. Tollis (a cura di) Incontri di Archeologia – Studenti Sapienza, Atti delle Giornate del 27 aprile – 12 e 24 maggio 2018, Traces in Time 2019.
E. Abbondanzieri, L. Contrafatto, S. De Luca, V. Ferraguti, N. Giovino, M. Lombardi, G. Mariotti, C.M. Marchetti, N. Tollis (EDITED BY), Incontri di Archeologia – studenti Sapienza, Atti delle Giornate di Studio (Roma 2018-2019), In Fieri, I, Ed. Quasar, in prep.
E. Abbondanzieri, L. Contrafatto, V. Ferraguti, N. Giovino, M. Lombardi, G. Mariotti, C.M. Marchetti, N. Tollis (EDITED BY), Incontri di Archeologia – studenti Sapienza, Atti delle Giornate di Studio (Roma 2017-2018), Traces in Time, n. 9
M. Lombardi, “3D modeling and relief-printing for a more inclusive fruition of cultural heritage”, in M. Koui, F. Zezza, D. Kouis (eds) 10th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin, Springer, 2017, pp. 555-559, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78093-1_60
“Laureato Eccellente” award for one of the best theses from Sapienza University
“Iniziative culturali e sociali degli studenti” funded by “La Sapienza” University
Grant for the Master thesis research abroad funded by “Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia”
Grant “Torno Subito” funded by Regione Lazio